Without going into too much detail, I am aware from experience that there are a number of different opinions on this subject. I have heard it said that the diaconal year is a probationary year, to "weed out" those deacons who really shouldn't be ordained priest. I have heard it said that there isn't any point to the diaconal year, that it is a "wasted year," and that ordinands should be ordained priest straight away.
I do find it very sad that some people - including training incumbents - seem to attach so little significance to the diaconal year. It leaves me wondering - and this may be controversial! - why some people are chosen as training incumbents in the first place. I know colleagues who have had no experience whatsoever of the diaconal liturgical role, which leaves me heartbroken for them, because I know from my own experience what they are missing out on, and how sharing in the Eucharist in this way is preparing me in many intangible ways for that time when I will preside over the Eucharist myself.
Next week, I will be spending a day at Ripon College Cuddesdon with a number of friends who trained with me, and were also ordained deacon last year. It is an opportunity for us to meet together, to reflect on our training experience, and to share stories. One of the things I am looking forward to finding out is their own experiences of being deacons, and how that compares to my own, and to those who have had very different experiences. It should be interesting...!
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